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I’m not always this scruffy but sometimes i’m even scruffier

Brian Nolte has been using cameras since his skateboarding days as a young teenager. Skateboarding was everything and making sure you could show off your accomplishments to all the other wannabes was important. Starting on 35mm for stills and MiniVHS for video, he always had a camera in his backpack. Since then the skateboarding has stopped (mostly) but the adventuring continues and the cameras always come along often taking center stage now. From Los Angeles he moved away to Massachusetts on to Maine and to Paris back to Massachusetts and now back to Los Angeles. His eclectic interests have brought him into the homes of millionaires in Maine, to the handbuilt home of a lone commune holdout in Massachusetts, he flew to Paris to intern with VII Photo with not enough money and no place to stay, he hitchhiked (sorta) from Virginia to California and back,

and now he’s back home in LA and loving it!

If you’ve read this far go one step further and say HI! Tell me what you do! I’m happiest when i’m making things so

lets make it happen!